Madhulam Marundhu

Madhulam Marundhu

Maadhulam (Pomegranate) Marundhu

We all very well know about the tasty pomegranate juice; but not many of us know about its medicinal value. Here are few of them:

  • It helps to maintain our blood sugar level
  • It helps to increase our heart health
  • It helps to maintain our blood pressure
  • It helps in treating Diarrhea and dysentery

Of all the major benefits, pomegranate juice can help treat our little one’s upset tummies, especially for diarrhea and dysentery.

Ingredient – Pomegranate seeds with pulp – ½ cup

Procedure – In a small mixie jar, add about half a cup of pomegranate seeds with pulp, grind it well and strain the juice alone.

Serving Suggestion

  • Take about 5ml of the freshly extracted pomegranate juice and feed your baby in empty stomach (if you could not do it on empty stomach, feed them after a light meal like rice kanji or idli or so)
  • Continue for about a 2-3 days; and you will able to see good results.
  • For my little one, I initially started using a medical syringe to reduce spilling and eventually my daughter started to enjoy being fed through it.

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