Homemade Jam

MIXED FRUIT JAM (with Brown Sugar)-Organic

MIXED FRUIT JAM (with Brown Sugar)-Organic

Ingredients: Organic pineapple (roughly diced)– 3cups Organic red grapes – 2 cups Organic pomegranate – 1 cup Organic cranberry – 1 cup Organic dark brown sugar – 1 cup Organic lime juice – 1 tsp Procedure: Puree all the fruits individually and strain ‘em using […]

Fall Fruit Jam

Fall Fruit Jam

Ingredients: Apple puree – 5 cups Banana puree – 1 cup Strawberry puree – 2 cups Pear puree – 2 cups Granulated sugar – 3 cups Lemon juice – 2 tblsp Procedure: Apple puree – wash and peel the apples and cut into pieces and […]

Berry Banana Jam

Berry Banana Jam

BERRY-BANANA JAM Berry-Banana jam, Sounds odd? I had some ripe bananas and some fresh blueberries and strawberries in my kitchen. They were a week old after I had got them from the store; all were perishables, and I would have to just throw them away […]

Mixed Fruit Jam

Mixed Fruit Jam

MIXED FRUIT JAM Mixed fruit jam – Fruits are naturally low in calories and absolutely no cholesterol and fruits are rich in vitamin C, folic acid and dietary fiber. When it comes to JAM, it is absolutely a GUILTY PLEASURE, but with the natural flavors […]

Strawberry Jam

Strawberry Jam

Strawberry Jam Strawberries – the name itself gives you the freshness and the unique flavor. Some of the surprising benefits of strawberries – (i) it helps to improve your vision (ii) boost your immune system and brain function (iii) also prevents from cancer. Who doesn’t […]