Homemade Curd

Homemade Curd


Without CURD/ Thayir/ Yogurt our Indian Food won’t fulfill. We include Curd on our regular diet and it helps to improve digestion, healthy heart, boost our immunity, good for bones, skin, hair, teeth. It helps to prevent pigmentation and dry skin especially during pregnancy. It helps to release stress and anxiety too.

How to make Homemade Curd?


  • Whole Milk/ 2 % Milk                 –          2 cups
  • Urai thayir / old curd                   –          1 tsp


Making Process:

In a heavy bottomed/ milk pan pour the amount of milk as req and bring it to boil. Let the milk cool to room temperature, then add a tsp of urai thayir (Old curd/ yogurt) and stir well and pour the mixture into the clean steel container it to ferment at least for 8 hours (it will depend on your weather sometimes it may go higher or lower).


  • Always use a separate container for MILK and YOGURT/CURD. Because these can spoil/ curdle quickly because of the vessel/ container (Ex: do not boil milk on sambar/ rasam vessel. Do not make curd on juice container like lime juice)
  • For safer side always use separate containers/ vessel for Milk and curd for best result.
  • Always add the urai thayir when the milk is warm.


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