Pericham Pazham

Pericham Pazham

Pericham Pazham / Dates are the excellent source of various minerals, vitamins, sugar, fiber and energy. It helps to regulate the digestive process and it can significantly boost our energy level.

Some of the benefits of dates are:

  • Dates are rich in IRON and helps to improve Red blood cells
  • Rich in selenium, magnesium, manganese and copper, which helps to increase the bone strength and also prevent from osteoporosis
  • It has high soluble fiber which helps to regulate the bowel movement and prevent from constipation
  • Rich in potassium which helps to reduce the cholesterol and lower risk of stroke; it also helps to strengthen the nervous system
  • Helps to improve the weight in a healthy way especially when you intake with a glass of milk or either with honey soaked dates

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