- Bread loaves – 2 slices
- Grated Mozzarella cheese – ¼ cup
- Grated cheddar cheese – ¼ cup
- Red onions – 1 tblsp (finely chopped)
- Tomato – 1 tblsp (finely chopped)
- Garlic – 1 tsp (finely chopped)
- Salt – ¼ th tsp
- Crushed black pepper – 1 tsp
- Dried rosemary leaves – 1 tsp
- Dried oregano – 1 tsp
- Unsalted butter – 2 tblsp
- In a small mixing bowl, add the grated cheeses, red onions, tomatoes, garlic, salt, crushed black pepper, dried rosemary and dried oregano and mix well.
- Heat an iron pan (for best result) add about a tblsp of unsalted butter and lightly toast both the sides of the bread and add the full cheese mixture into the buttered bread and close it with another bread\
- Cook it under very low-medium flame and add the remaining butter into the pan and toast it both the sides
- Within 5 mins the super tasty, crunch and cheesy “CHEESE SANDWICH” is ready to serve
- You can use any kind of cheese you like
- Using 2 tblsp or more butter will keep your cheese bread more tasty
- The add-ons in this cheese bread is totally optional