//Ivy gourd/ tindora/ kovakkai//
- Wedged ivy gourd/kovakkai – 1 cup
- Coriander seeds – ¼ cup
- Channa dhal/ kadalaparuppu – 2 tblsp
- Byadagi chilli – 5-6 nos (depends on your spice level)
- Cumin seeds – 1.5 tsp
- Pepper – 1tsp
- Curry leaves – 1 sprig
- Shredded coconut – 3 tblsp
- Gingelly oil – ¼ cup
- Salt – as req
- Water – 1 tbslp
- Heat tsp oil in a pan and add coriander seeds, channa dhal, byadagi chilli, curry leaves, cumin seeds, pepper, curry leaves and shredded coconut. Saute it for 2-3 mins and Cool completely and grind it into a coarsely grounded powder without adding water.
- Wash and trim the edges off and cut the ivy gourd into wedges
- Heat ¼ cup of gingelly oil in a heavy bottomed pan and add the wedged ivy gourd and sauté it for about 3-4 mins.
- Now add the coarsely grounded masala along with some salt and cook it under medium-low flame for about 5-6 mins.
- In between sprinkle a tblsp of water if required.
- Cover the pan with a lid and cook it further until the oil separates.
- The tasty and spicy yet crunchy “Ennai KOVAKKAI/ivy gourd” is ready to serve, Enjoy with a cup of hot rice or chapathi.